Exposing the Truth: Church of the Highlands Revealed

church of the highlands exposed

The Church of the Highlands, one of the fastest-growing megachurches in the United States, has garnered both admiration and scrutiny since its inception. This church has expanded rapidly in Birmingham, Alabama, boasting multiple campuses and a substantial online presence. Despite its outward success and positive influence in many communities, the church has not been immune to controversy. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Church of the Highlands Exposed, exploring its history, beliefs, and practices while addressing some of the criticisms and controversies that have surfaced over the years.

The Genesis of the Church of the Highlands

The Church of the Highlands was founded in 2001 by Pastor Chris Hodges. Starting with a small congregation, the church quickly grew in numbers, fueled by a modern approach to worship and a strong emphasis on community engagement. Hodges’ vision was to create a church that was relevant and accessible to contemporary society, which he achieved through dynamic services, practical teachings, and robust outreach programs. By creating an inviting atmosphere and leveraging technology, the Church of the Highlands distinguished itself from traditional churches and attracted a younger, diverse demographic.

Beliefs and Practices

At its core, the Church of the Highlands adheres to evangelical Christian doctrines, emphasizing the Bible as the authoritative word of God. Fundamental tenets include the belief in salvation through Jesus Christ, the importance of personal faith, and the practice of baptism by immersion. The church promotes a lifestyle of worship, prayer, and community service, encouraging members to live out their faith practically.

One of the church’s distinctive features is its commitment to small groups, or “Highlands Small Groups.” These groups are designed to foster deeper connections among members, providing a support network and opportunities for spiritual growth. Additionally, the church offers a range of classes and programs to equip members with the tools they need to lead fulfilling, faith-driven lives.

Growth and Expansion

The Church of the Highlands has experienced exponential growth since its humble beginnings. As of 2024, the church has over 20 campuses across Alabama and Georgia, with thousands of members attending weekly services. The church’s online presence has also expanded, with live-streamed services and many digital resources available to a global audience.

This rapid expansion can be attributed to several factors, including the church’s strategic use of technology, a well-organized volunteer network, and a focus on leadership development. The Church of the Highlands operates the Highlands College, an institution dedicated to training future church leaders. This college plays a crucial role in the church’s expansion strategy, ensuring a steady supply of trained personnel to support new campuses and initiatives.

Controversies and Criticisms

Despite its success, the Church of the Highlands has faced its share of controversies. Critics have raised concerns about the church’s operations, leadership, and teachings. Some of the most notable criticisms include:

Financial Transparency

Financial transparency is one of the most significant criticisms against the Church of the Highlands. Like many megachurches, it handles large sums of money, primarily through donations. Critics argue there is insufficient transparency regarding how these funds are allocated and spent. While the church maintains that it follows ethical financial practices and undergoes regular audits, the lack of detailed public financial reports has fueled scepticism among some observers.

Leadership and Accountability

The church’s leadership, particularly Pastor Chris Hodges, has also been scrutinized. In 2020, Hodges faced backlash after it was revealed that he had engaged with controversial social media content. This incident led to a public apology and a period of reflection within the church. However, it also highlighted concerns about the accountability structures in place for senior leadership. Critics argue that the church needs to implement more robust mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability at the highest levels.

Inclusivity and Diversity

Another area of criticism is the church’s stance on social issues, particularly regarding inclusivity and diversity. While the Church of the Highlands has made efforts to promote racial reconciliation and has a diverse congregation, some critics feel that its positions on LGBTQ+ issues and gender roles are not inclusive. The church adheres to traditional evangelical views on marriage and sexuality, which some see as exclusionary. These positions have led to debates within and outside the church community about the balance between doctrinal fidelity and inclusivity.

Community Impact

Despite these controversies, it is essential to recognize the Church of the Highlands’s positive impact on many communities. The church is deeply involved in local outreach, providing various services such as food drives, medical clinics, and disaster relief efforts. Its “Dream Centers” offer resources and support to underserved communities, addressing education, employment, and health needs.

The church also strongly emphasizes volunteerism, encouraging members to engage in service projects locally and internationally. Through initiatives like the “Serve Day,” thousands of volunteers mobilize to make a tangible difference in their communities. These efforts have garnered praise and have significantly contributed to the church’s favourable reputation in many areas.

The Role of Technology

A critical factor in the Church of the Highlands’ growth and influence is its adept use of technology. From its highly produced online services to its active presence on social media, the church has embraced digital tools to reach a broader audience. The church’s app offers access to sermons, devotionals, and other resources, making it easier for members to stay connected and engaged.

The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted the church’s technological capabilities. With in-person gatherings restricted, the Church of the Highlands seamlessly transitioned to virtual services, ensuring that its congregation could continue to worship and participate in community activities. This adaptability sustained the church during a challenging period and expanded its reach to individuals who may not have engaged with it otherwise.

Educational Initiatives

Education and leadership development are central to the Church of the Highlands’ mission. Highlands College, the church’s ministry training school, plays a pivotal role. The college offers pastoral ministry, worship leadership, and organizational leadership programs. Highlands College aims to prepare the next generation of church leaders by equipping students with practical skills and theological knowledge.

The church also offers its members a range of classes and workshops covering topics such as financial stewardship, marriage and family, and personal growth. These educational initiatives reflect the church’s commitment to holistic development, addressing its congregation’s spiritual, emotional, and practical needs.


The Church of the Highlands is a prominent example of a modern megachurch, combining traditional evangelical beliefs with innovative worship and community engagement approaches. While it has faced its share of criticisms and controversies, its impact on local communities and the broader evangelical landscape is undeniable.

By examining the Church of the Highlands’ history, beliefs, practices, and the criticisms it faces, we gain a nuanced understanding of this influential institution. Whether viewed as a beacon of modern Christianity or a subject of scrutiny, the Church of the Highlands plays a significant role in shaping contemporary religious practice and discourse. As it navigates the challenges and opportunities of the future, the church’s commitment to its core mission and ability to adapt will be critical determinants of its continued influence and relevance.


1. What is the Church of the Highlands?

The Church of the Highlands is a prominent evangelical Christian church based in Birmingham, Alabama. It is known for its contemporary worship services, extensive community outreach, and multiple campuses across Alabama and Georgia.

2. Who founded the Church of the Highlands?

Pastor Chris Hodges founded the Church of the Highlands in 2001. Under his leadership, the church has increased, attracting a large and diverse congregation.

3. What are the core beliefs of the Church of the Highlands?

The Church of the Highlands adheres to evangelical Christian doctrines, emphasizing the authority of the Bible, salvation through Jesus Christ, and the importance of personal faith, baptism, worship, prayer, and community service.

4. How does the Church of the Highlands contribute to the community?

The church is actively involved in community service through initiatives like food drives, medical clinics, disaster relief, and its “Dream Centers,” which provide education, employment, and health support to underserved communities.

5. What controversies has the Church of the Highlands faced?

The Church of the Highlands has faced criticisms regarding financial transparency, leadership accountability, and its stance on social issues such as LGBTQ+ inclusion and gender roles. These controversies have sparked discussions both within and outside the church community.

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